[Previously gFirst International Symposium on GIS in Fishery Scienceh]



To be held at:



Please distribute this announcement to your friends who might participate in the Symposium.



Dear Colleagues,


We are pleased to announce the 'Second International Symposium on GIS and Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences'. The Symposium title has been altered from the previous one, i.e. 'First International Symposium on GIS in Fishery Science', reflecting two changes in the current situation. 'Spatial Analyses' has been added because GIS alone implies just the tool and we are essentially more interested in 'Spatial Analyses using GIS', and 'Aquatic Sciences' has been added because there is now a strong realization, manifest especially in the ecosystems approach to fisheries management, that neither inland nor marine fisheries or aquaculture can be studied in isolation from the aquatic environment in which the activities take place.





Although their application has been far behind those of terrestrial GISfs, in the last decade of the 20th Century Geographic Information@Systems (GIS) have rapidly become powerful tools for spatial analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences. There have been various local GIS workshops and meetings on different topics in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences such as in fisheries oceanography, aquaculture, satellite remote sensing, inland fisheries, fisheries management, spatial numerical analyses, etc. However, the opportunity of sharing experiences in these developments and applications in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences at a world-wide level have been limited. For this reason, the tri-annual eInternational Symposium on GIS in Fishery Sciencef was established and the first was held in Seattle, USA in 1999. It was organized by the eFishery GIS Research Groupf (*), and it was successful in that 131 papers, 89 posters and 10 GIS software demonstrations were presented.


(*) Its name has been changed to eFishery-Aquatic GIS Research Groupf by the same reason as stated previously.


This first globally integrated Fishery GIS conference stimulated tremendous interest world-wide both pre-and post-Symposium, and there has subsequently been a strong anticipation for a Second Symposium to demonstrate new and further developments. So, in the three years since the First Symposium, we have no doubt that significant progress in GIS/Spatial analyses as applied to Fishery and Aquatic Sciences, has been accomplished. Hence, we encourage you to participate in this Second Symposium, to present updates on your research on Spatial Analyses with GIS, and on other GIS-related progress such as software, computer systems, education and reviews.


Thus, it is with great pleasure that we provide this eFirst Announcement and Call for Papersf of the Second Symposium. The eFishery-Aquatic GIS Research Groupf will again be the main organizer, and the venue of the 2nd Symposium will be in the UK, with the local co-organizer being Dr Geoff Meaden (keynote speaker of the First Symposium), from the Fisheries GIS Unit, Department of Geography, Canterbury Christ Church University College, Canterbury, UK.





The primary objectives of the Second Symposium are to:

a)      highlight developments and applications of GIS/Spatial analyses

in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences,

b)      exchange ideas and information, and

c)      suggest further improvements, techniques and applications

of GIS/Spatial analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences. 






In order to highlight what we perceive to be an important area, the theme for the Second Symposium will be eSpatial Numerical Analysesf. After the First Symposium, we noticed that basic quantitative spatial analyses using GIS had been considerably developed, but quantitative GIS applications and linkages to stock assessment, resources management, population estimation, geostatistics, forecasting, contour estimation etc., were not well established or developed. We therefore need to learn some more advanced developments and ideas in these topics, and to exchange knowledge for further improvements. Although eSpatial Numerical Analysesf is the theme this time, papers are not restricted to this topic and other relevant areas (see next) are very much welcome.





The Symposium will cover spatial analyses using GIS or GIS related topics in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences. Within this there are three main categories: [A] Marine related subjects, [B] Freshwater/Inland/Blackish-water related subjects, and [C] Other subjects. Each of these three main categories may include a variety of sub-topics as follows:


[A] Marine related subjects

(1)     Habitats

(2)     Fisheries

(3)     Fishery Oceanography/Marine Ecosystems/Ecology

(4)     Remote Sensing/Aquatic survey

(5)     Marine resources analyses and managements

(6)     Geostatistics/Forecasting/Modelling

(7)     Mariculture

(8)     Artificial reefs and Marine Protected Areas (MPAfs)

(9)     Others (specify for registration)


[B] Freshwater/Inland/Blackish-water related subjects (including Watershed and Estuary)

(1)     Habitats

(2)     Fisheries

(3)     Estuarine, Lacustrine and Riverine Ecosystems or Ecology

(4)     Remote Sensing/Aquatic surveys

(5)     Resources analyses and management

(6)     Forecasting/Geostatistics/Modelling

(7)     Aquaculture

(8)     Others (specify for registration)


[C] Others

(1)     Theory/Concepts/General topics

(2)     Demonstration of Software/Database/Hardware using computers

(3)     Systems Implementations

(4)     Education

(5)     Reviews

(6)     Others (specify for registration)





Participation from a broad audience representing GIS/Spatial analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences is encouraged, i.e., scientists, students, computer experts (developers), managers, administrators, educators and others.



[Presentation of papers]


For participants who wish to present epapersf, there are three ways, i.e., by oral presentation, poster presentation and/or PC demonstrations of GIS software, hardware and related systems. Duration of oral presentation will be 20 minutes (15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for questions and answers). For poster presentations and PC demonstration, particular sessions will be set up.




All presenters MUST submit an abstract. The Guidelines for submission of the abstract are available at http://www.esl.co.jp/Sympo/2nd/sympo13.htm. An Abstract Booklet will be prepared and one copy will be provided for each participant at the registration desk in the Symposium. If you are interested in the Abstract Booklet from the First Symposium, please refer to the web site at http://www.esl.co.jp/Sympo/1st/sympo6.htm.





Those who make a presentation (oral, poster or PC demonstration) and who wish to submit a full paper for the Symposium Proceedings (to be published by Fishery-Aquatic GIS Research Group), should send a full paper to the convener by 1 October, 2002. Papers will be peer reviewed by two referees. If the paper is then accepted, it will be checked by professional editors before formal publication. The Proceedings will be published by March, 2004. Guidelines for the full papers are available at http://www.esl.co.jp/Sympo/2nd/sympo15_1.htm. If you are interested in the Proceedings of the First Symposium, please refer to the web site at http://www.esl.co.jp/Sympo/1st/sympo7.htm.





A keynote speaker and moderators for each session (subject) will be determined later.





If you wish to participate in this Symposium, send the following information by E-mail to the Convener at aco20320@par.odn.ne.jp. Please make one registration per one person. At the beginning of e-mail, write eregistration through internetf.


(a)   Full name (first, middle and last: last name in capital letter)

(b)   Name of the organization that you belong to

(c)    Your Post, and Position or Title

(d)   Postal (mailing) address

(e)   E-mail address

(f)     Telephone number including country code

(g)   FAX number including country code


If you intend to present a paper (including poster, exhibition and demonstration using PC or other devices), please also inform us of the following information. (If you have more than one paper, please give information on each separately).


(h)   (Tentative) title of your paper (with names of co-authors, if any)

(i)      Subject of the paper: select one from category specified in [SUBJECTS] above, for example, [B]-(3)

(j)      Name of the presenter

(k)    Preferred method of presentation (oral, poster, or software/hardware demonstration with PC).





(1)   Normal registration fee (1 October, 2001- 15 June, 2002):

US $ 150 (preferable, but the equivalent amount in other currencies are also acceptable).

(2) Late or on-site (walk-in) registration

(16 June, 2002 to 6 September, 2002: the end of the Symposium):

US $ 200 or the equivalent amount in other currencies for the on-site (walk-in) registrants.


(Note) Half prices apply for students and retirees who provide evidence of this.


Symposium payment is by a check payable to

eFishery-Aquatic GIS Research Groupf and send by airmail to:


Fishery-Aquatic GIS Research Group

C/o Environmental Simulation Laboratory

2F Noble Building, 2-4-1, Arajuku, Kawagoe-City,

Saitama-Ken, Japan (Zip code) 350-1124

E-mail    : esl@esl.co.jp

FAX        : 81(Japan)-(0 for domestic)-492-41-2442

Phone   : 81(Japan)-(0 for domestic)-492-42-9262,


Credit cards cannot be accepted.


                            Although we prefer the check, if you have difficulty to make a check,

                            Please transfer the registration fee to:


                            Fishery-Aquatic GIS Research Group

                            Account number 125000024 31352 313

                            Bank of America

                            University Branch

                            4701 University Way, N.E.

                            Seattle, WA 98105 USA


              IMPORTANT NOTE:

              When you send or transfer the registration fee, indicate your registration number.


Registration fees will be used for administration, facilities, printing the abstract booklet, publication of the Proceedings and other related expenses.





If you wish to cancel your attendance after completing the registration, then you should inform to the Convener by E-mail. If informed, 50% of the registration fee will be returned.





The organizing committee decided that a University campus would provide the best ambience for a Symposium such as this. The University of Sussex is situated about 8kms (5 miles) outside Brighton in a delightful rural setting. It has excellent rail and bus connections to the downtown area, and Brighton itself is a gthriving, vibrant experienceh. The city is well connected to Gatwick airport (30 mins), to Heathrow (90 mins) and to central London (60 mins). For more details on the University consult http://www.sussex.ac.uk.





We will provide information on accommodation for those who register. There will be on-site (campus) accommodation available (at two standards) on a first come first served basis. Booking procedures will be informed to those who register by the end of July. For those requiring other accommodation such as hotels, there is a large selection in the adjacent town of Brighton. The following Web-site lists a wide selection: http://tourism.brighton.co.uk/accommodation/





No excursions are planned. But, refer to the web-site at www.visitbrighton.com for interesting places and authentic English country side around Brighton that you may wish to visit. Additional accommodation can be found at this site.



[SCHEDULE (Important deadlines and dates)]



15 June, 2002


Deadline of normal registration (US $ 150)

Deadline of submission of the abstracts









Those who will present papers (including oral,

posters and PC demonstration) MUST register and send

the registration fee & ABSTRACT by 15 JUNE,

2002. Unless otherwise, presentations are not accepted.


16 June- 6 Sept, 2002


3 – 6 September, 2002


1 October 2002


By March, 2004


Period of late or on-site (walk-in) registration (US $ 200)




Deadline for the full paper for the Proceedings


Publication of the Proceedings





Dr Kiyoshi Itoh (Group Representative)

Fishery-Aquatic GIS Research Group (http://www.esl.co.jp/Sympo/outline.htm)

C/o Environmental Simulation Laboratory (http://www.esl.co.jp/)

2F, Noble Building, 2-4-1 Arajuku, Kawagoe, Saitama, Japan 350-1124

E-mail: itoh@esl.co.jp

FAX: 81(Japan)-(0 for domestic)-492-41-2442

Tel:81(Japan)-(0 for domestic)-492-42-9262,




Dr Geoff Meaden
Fisheries GIS Unit, Department of Geography,
Canterbury Christ Church University College,
North Holmes Road, Canterbury, Kent,  CT1 1QU  UK
E-mail: gjm1@cant.ac.uk

Phone    : 44(UK)- (0 for domestic)-1227-767700 (Ext. 2327)  
Fax        : 44(UK)- (0 for domestic)-1227-767531




Dr Tom Nishida (*)

National Research Institute of Far Seas Fisheries

5-7-1 Orido, Shimizu, Shizuoka, Japan 424-8633

E-mail   : tnishida@affrc.go.jp

Phone    :81(Japan)-(0 for domestic)-543-36-6037

FAX        : 81(Japan)-(0 for domestic)-543-35-9642


Dr Geoff Meaden

Fisheries GIS Unit, Department of Geography,

Canterbury Christ Church University College,

North Holmes Road, Canterbury, Kent,  CT1 1QU  UK

E-mail  : gjm1@cant.ac.uk

Phone    : 44(UK)- (0 for domestic)-1227-767700 (Ext. 2327)
Fax        : 44(UK)- (0 for domestic)-1227-767531


Dr James McDaid Kapetsky  (ex-FAO GIS expert)

C-FAST, Inc. (Consultants in Fisheries and Aquaculture Sciences and Technologies),
5410 Marina Club Drive, Wilmington NC 28409-4103, USA
E-mail    : cfastinc@msn.com or cfast@sigmaxi.org

Phone    : 1(USA)-910-794-9492
Fax        : 1(USA)-901-794-9492


Dr Kiyoshi Itoh

Fishery-Aquatic GIS Research Group

C/o Environmental Simulation Laboratory

2F, Noble Building, 2-4-1 Arajuku, Kawagoe, Saitama, Japan 350-1124

              E-mail  : itoh@esl.co.jp

FAX    : 81(Japan)-(0 for domestic)-492-41-2442

Tel     :81(Japan)-(0 for domestic)-492-42-9262


Dr William L. Fisher

Oklahoma Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit

& Department of Zoology,

Oklahoma State University,

Stillwater, Oklahoma 74078 USA

E-mail  wfisher@okstate.edu

Phone  : 1(USA)-405-744-6342

Fax     : 1(USA)-405-744-5006

Homepage: http://zoology.okstate.edu/zoo_fclt/fisher.htm



Mr Vasilis D. Valavanis

Institute of Marine Biology of Crete (IMBC)

Sonar & Marine Information Systems Department

PO BOX 2214, 71003, Iraklio, Crete, Greece

Email   : vasilis@imbc.gr

Phone  : 30(Greece)-3-081-243368 or


Fax    : 30(Greece)-3-081-241882

Homepage (IMBC)        : http://www.imbc.gr
Homepage (Department): http://arch.imbc.gr


Dr William Seaman
Professor (Fisheries) and Associate Director
Florida Sea Grant College Program,
University of Florida,
Gainesville, Florida 32611-0400 USA
Email   : seaman@mail.ifas.ufl.edu
Phone  : 1(USA)-352-392-5870
Fax      : 1(USA)-352-392-5113
Homepage: http://www.flseagrant.org

Dr Alessandro Gimona
Fisheries Research Services,
Marine Laboratory,
PO BOX 101, Victoria Road,
Aberdeen, Scotland, AB11 9DB,  UK
Email   : a.gimona@marlab.ac.uk
Phone   : 44(UK)-(0 for domestic)-1224-876544
Fax       : 44(UK)-(0 for domestic)-1224-295511

Other voluntary committee members are welcome. Please contact the Convener (*)





International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management
–The World Fish Center  (http://www.cgiar.org/iclarm/)
Dr Meryl J. Williams (Director General)
P.O. Box 500, GPO 10670 Penang, Malaysia
E-mail    : iclarm@cgiar.org
Phone    : 60(Malaysia)-(0 for domestic)-4-626-1606
Fax        : 60(Malaysia)-(0 for domestic)-4-626-5530


American Fisheries Society Computer User Section 
AFSCUS  ( http://www.fisheries.org/cus/ )
Dr Michael D. Porter (President)
US Bureau of Reclamation
505 Marquette NW, Suite 1313
Albuquerque, NM  87102-2162 USA
E-mail    : cus@fisheries.org or Mporter@uc.usbr.gov
Phone    : 1(USA)-505-248-5907 (Voice)
Fax        : 1(USA)-505-248-5303



The Fishery-Aquatic GIS Research Group plans to organize this type of Symposium every 3 years in different cities in the world. The third Symposium will therefore be held in 2005.





Abstract Booklet and Proceedings of the First Symposium are available.

For details, refer to the following web sites:



